O.Cyrot Volnay, France Grands De Bourgogne

Volnay, perched on the hill of Chaignot high up in the Cote de Beaune, occupies a narrow and steeply sloping site as if to allow more space to the vines. The hill itself is oriented slightly differently from the general run of the country so that the vines face south-east rather than east. TI1ese vineyards have been valued and exploited for centuries. Long before the Revolution the harvests of Vol nay went to the Knights of Malta, the Abbeys of Sai nt-Andoche d'Autun and Maizieres, or to the Dukes of Burgundy and their successors, the Kings of France. The typicity of this red Pi not Noir wine was fixed as early as the 18th century. It gained its controlled appellation status in 1937. The Volnay appellation is twinned with VolnaySantenots, grown in neighbouring Meursault on ground equally suited to the Pi not Noir grape.

Surfaces classified in Volnay: 213 ha (incl. 115 ha 1ers Crus)
Maximum yield allowed : 48 hi / ha.
Grape : I 00% Pi not 1 oir. Alcoholic degree minimum/maximum : I 0,5°/13,5°.
Alcoholic degree of our Pommard : 13°

The oolitic limestone has a superficial similarity to the reddish igneous rock (porphyry) found in the Morvan district. It is pink in colour with pale green inclusions and overlain by banks of schist. At the top of the slope, this limestone predominates. Lower down we find white, chalky-textured argovien limestone. Lower still are reddish Bathonien limestones, pebbly and ferruginous. The soi ls at the foot of the slope are deeper and more gravelly. Altitudes : 230-280 metres.

Vinification & Maturing:
Hand harvest Destemming : 100%
Fennenting time : 15 to 18 days
Maturing in Vosges & Allier oak barrels during 12 to 14 month
No Filtration

Tasting Notes:
Volnay, admired for its del icacy, its sap, and its bouquet, has always been thought of as the most feminine of burgundies. Though certain of its terroirs modify this judgement with more vigorous and muscular versions, it truly does stand out among the red wines of the Cote de Beaune like the lipstick imprint of a kiss ... The colour varies from bright ruby to a light garnet. Its aromas are of violet, gooseberry, cherry, and - with age - spices, game and cooked prune. It has an immediate appeal which, added to a slight natural precocity, means it can be fu lly open while still relatively young. The attack is fresh, the fini sh is wann. Drinking this wine, one seems to bite into a fresh fruit and breath in its heady aroma.

Its velvety femininity is matched by its great aromatic intensity. This makes it a predestined partner for sophisticated poultry dishes, patiently roasted and glazed, which can bathe in the fru it and spice aromas of the wine. Better still, especially for the Premiers Crus, is feathered game, stewed or slowly braised, or simply roasted. In this company the opulence and meaty texture of this great wine work wonders. For the more adventurous, it might accompany a couscous or a tajine with meat or poultry or even both. The intensity of Vol nay allows it to blend with distinctly flavou red cheeses. Serving temperature : 14 to 16 °C.